Peltola EM, Mäkelä T, Haapamäki V, Suomalainen A, Leikola J, Koskinen SK, Kortesniemi M, Koivikko MP. CT of facial fracture fixation: an experimental study of artefact reducing methods. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2017 Feb;46(2):20160261.
Kaasalainen T, Palmu K, Lampinen A, Reijonen V, Leikola J, Kivisaari R, Kortesniemi M. Limiting CT radiation dose in children with craniosynostosis: phantom study using model-based iterative reconstruction. Pediatr Radiol. 2015 May 5.
Larson DB, Strauss KJ, Podberesky DJ. Toward Large-Scale Process Control to Enable Consistent CT Radiation Dose Optimization. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 May;204(5):959-66.
Kelaranta A, Kaasalainen T, Seuri R, Toroi P, Kortesniemi M. FETAL RADIATION DOSE IN COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2015 Apr 1.
Padole A, Ali Khawaja RD, Kalra MK, Singh S. CT radiation dose and iterative reconstruction techniques. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 Apr;204(4):W384-92.
Järvinen H, Seuri R, Kortesniemi M, Lajunen A, Hallinen E, Savikurki-Heikkilä P, Laarne P, Perhomaa M, Tyrväinen E. INDICATION-BASED NATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LEVELS FOR PAEDIATRIC CT: A NEW APPROACH WITH PROPOSED VALUES. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2015 Apr 1.
Nikupaavo U, Kaasalainen T, Reijonen V, Ahonen SM, Kortesniemi M. Lens dose in routine head CT: comparison of different optimization methods with anthropomorphic phantoms. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 Jan;204(1):117-23.
Koivisto J, Wolff J, Järnstedt J, Dastidar P, Kortesniemi M. Assessment of the effective dose in supine, prone, and oblique positions in the maxillofacial region using a novel combined extremity and maxillofacial cone beam computed tomography scanner. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2014 Sep;118(3):355-62.
Kaasalainen T, Palmu K, Reijonen V, Kortesniemi M. Effect of patient centering on patient dose and image noise in chest CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2014 Jul;203(1):123-30.
Koivisto J, Kiljunen T, Wolff J, Kortesniemi M. Assessment of effective radiation dose of an extremity CBCT, MSCT and conventional X ray for knee area using MOSFET dosemeters. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2013 Dec;157(4):515-24.
Teemu Helkamaa, Lauri Handolin, Seppo K. Koskinen, Mika Kortesniemi, Jarkko Pajarinen, Tietokonetomografian käytön perusteet traumapotilaan diagnostiikassa, Suomen Lääkärilehti 22/2013 v sk 68, 1639-1646.
Seuri R, Rehani MM, Kortesniemi M. How tracking radiologic procedures and dose helps: experience from Finland. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2013 Apr;200(4):771-5.
Koivisto J, Kiljunen T, Wolff J, Kortesniemi M. Characterization of MOSFET dosimeter angular dependence in three rotational axes measured free-in-air and in soft-tissue equivalent material. J Radiat Res. 2013 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Kaasalainen T, Palmu K, Lampinen A, Kortesniemi M. Effect of vertical positioning on organ dose, image noise and contrast in pediatric chest CT-phantom study. Pediatr Radiol. 2013 Jun;43(6):673-84.
Kuttner S, Bujila R, Kortesniemi M, Andersson H, Kull L, Østerås BH, Thygesen J, Tarp IS. A proposed protocol for acceptance and constancy control of computed tomography systems: a Nordic Association for Clinical Physics (NACP) work group report. Acta Radiol. 2013 Mar 1;54(2):188-98.
Koskinen SK, Haapamäki VV, Salo J, Lindfors NC, Kortesniemi M, Seppälä L, Mattila KT. CT arthrography of the wrist using a novel, mobile, dedicated extremity cone-beam CT (CBCT). Skeletal Radiol. 2013 May;42(5):649-57.
Kortesniemi M, Salli E, Seuri R. Organ dose calculation in CT based on scout image data and automatic image registration. Acta Radiol. 2012 Oct 1;53(8):908-13.
Koivisto J, Kiljunen T, Tapiovaara M, Wolff J, Kortesniemi M. Assessment of radiation exposure in dental cone-beam computerized tomography with the use of metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimeters and Monte Carlo simulations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Sep;114(3):393-400.
Katsaus tietokonetomografian annosoptimoinnin mahdollisuuksiin tekniikan kehityksen myötä:
McCollough CH, Chen GH, Kalender W, Leng S, Samei E, Taguchi K, Wang G, Yu L, Pettigrew RI. Achieving routine submillisievert CT scanning: report from the summit on management of radiation dose in CT. Radiology. 2012 Aug;264(2):567-80.
Beister M, Kolditz D, Kalender WA. Iterative reconstruction methods in X-ray CT. Phys Med. 2012 Apr;28(2):94-108.
Annoksen vaikutus DNA-kaksoiskierteen katkeamiseen sydämen TT-kuvauksessa:
Kuefner MA, Hinkmann FM, Alibek S, Azoulay S, Anders K, Kalender WA, Achenbach S, Grudzenski S, Löbrich M, Uder M. Reduction of X-ray induced DNA double-strand breaks in blood lymphocytes during coronary CT angiography using high-pitch spiral data acquisition with prospective ECG-triggering. Invest Radiol. 2010 Apr;45(4):182-7.
Lasten TT-annoksia pään ja kaulan kuvauksissa:
Yamauchi-Kawaura C, Fujii K, Aoyama T, Koyama S, Yamauchi M. Radiation dose evaluation in head and neck MDCT examinations with a 6-year-old child anthropomorphic phantom. Pediatr Radiol. 2010 Jan 12.
Lasten CT-PET-annokset saattavat olla varsin korkeita:
Chawla SC, Federman N, Zhang D, Nagata K, Nuthakki S, McNitt-Gray M, Boechat MI. Estimated cumulative radiation dose from PET/CT in children with malignancies: a 5-year retrospective review. Pediatr Radiol. 2009 Dec 5.
Lasten TT-annoksia Kreikassa:
Yakoumakis E, Karlatira M, Gialousis G, Dimitriadis A, Makri T, Georgiou E. Effective dose variation in pediatric computed tomography: dose reference levels in Greece. Health Phys. 2009 Dec;97(6):595-603.
mA-modulaation vaikutuksista eri kokoisilla potilailla:
Angel E, Yaghmai N, Jude CM, DeMarco JJ, Cagnon CH, Goldin JG, McCollough CH, Primak AN, Cody DD, Stevens DM, McNitt-Gray MF. Dose to radiosensitive organs during routine chest CT: effects of tube current modulation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Nov;193(5):1340-5.
Potilaan keskityksellä on merkitystä TT-tutkimuksessa:
Gudjonsdottir J, Svensson JR, Campling S, Brennan PC, Jonsdottir B. Efficient use of automatic exposure control systems in computed tomography requires correct patient positioning. Acta Radiol. 2009 Nov;50(9):1035-41.
TT on oiketettu kaularangan traumakuvauksessa:
Theocharopoulos N, Chatzakis G, Damilakis J. Is radiography justified for the evaluation of patients presenting with cervical spine trauma? Med Phys. 2009 Oct;36(10):4461-70.
Kuvapohjainen spektraalinen rekonstruktiomenetelmä TT:lle:
Heismann B, Balda M. Quantitative image-based spectral reconstruction for
computed tomography. Med Phys. 2009 Oct;36(10):4471-85.
Lasten TT-annoksia mA-moduloinnilla ja ilman – modulaatio voi myös suurentaa annosta:
Brisse HJ, Robilliard M, Savignoni A, Pierrat N, Gaboriaud G, De Rycke Y, Neuenschwander S, Aubert B, Rosenwald JC. Assessment of organ absorbed doses and estimation of effective doses from pediatric anthropomorphic phantom measurements for multi-detector row CT with and without automatic exposure control. Health Phys. 2009 Oct;97(4):303-14.
Annosvaihtelu voi olla merkittävää vartalon TT-tutkimuksissa:
Jaffe TA, Yoshizumi TT, Toncheva G, Anderson-Evans C, Lowry C, Miller CM, Nelson RC, Ravin CE. Radiation dose for body CT protocols: variability of scanners at one institution. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Oct;193(4):1141-7.
Katsaus modernin kardio-TT:n käyttöön:
Cademartiri F, Maffei E, Palumbo A, Martini C, Vignali L, Tedeschi C, Guaricci A, Aldrovandi A, Weustink AC, Mollet NR. Clinical applications of multi-detector computed tomography coronary angiography. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2009 Jun;57(3):349-57.
TT-annosmäärityksen soveltuvuudesta leveämmille keiloille monileikelaitteilla:
Geleijns J, Salvadó Artells M, de Bruin PW, Matter R, Muramatsu Y, McNitt-Gray MF. Computed tomography dose assessment for a 160 mm wide, 320 detector row, cone beam CT scanner. Phys Med Biol. 2009 May 21;54(10):3141-59.
Trauma-annokset kumuloituvat ennen kaikkea TT:n kautta:
Hui CM, MacGregor JH, Tien HC, Kortbeek JB. Radiation dose from initial trauma assessment and resuscitation: review of the literature. Can J Surg. 2009 Apr;52(2):147-52. Review.
Keskeiset työkalut lasten TT-annosoptimointiin:
Cohen MD. Pediatric CT radiation dose: how low can you go? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 May;192(5):1292-303.
Vanhempien ohjeistuksesta TT:n suhteen (ei abstraktia):
Bulas DI, Goske MJ, Applegate KE, Wood BP. Image Gently: why we should talk to parents about CT in children. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 May;192(5):1176-8.
Toistuvien TT-kuvausten tuoman kumulatiivisen säteilyriskin määritys:
Sodickson A, Baeyens PF, Andriole KP, Prevedello LM, Nawfel RD, Hanson R, Khorasani R. Recurrent CT, cumulative radiation exposure, and associated radiation-induced cancer risks from CT of adults. Radiology. 2009 Apr;251(1):175-84.
Lapsilla pään TT-kuvauksissa annoksen (CTDIvol) voi laskea indikaatiosta riippuen jopa 10-20 mGy tasolle:
Ledenius K, Gustavsson M, Johansson S, Stålhammar F, Wiklund LM, Thilander-Klang A. Effect of tube current on diagnostic image quality in paediatric cerebral multidetector CT images. Br J Radiol. 2009 Apr;82(976):313-20.
Lasten sydän-TT:n annosoptimoinnin suosituksia:
Kuettner A, Gehann B, Spolnik J, Koch A, Achenbach S, Weyand M, Dittrich S, Uder M, Staatz G. Strategies for dose-optimized imaging in pediatric cardiac dual source CT. Rofo. 2009 Apr;181(4):339-48.
Hammas-TT:n ja monileike-TT:n annosvertailua:
Okano T, Harata Y, Sugihara Y, Sakaino R, Tsuchida R, Iwai K, Seki K, Araki K. Absorbed and effective doses from cone beam volumetric imaging for implant planning. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2009 Feb;38(2):79-85.
Prospektiivisen tahdistuksen käyttö sydämen TT-tutkimuksissa:
Earls JP. How to use a prospective gated technique for cardiac CT. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2009 Jan-Feb;3(1):45-51.
Kahden putken TT:n kuvanlaskenta ja kuvanlaatu:
Flohr TG, Bruder H, Stierstorfer K, Petersilka M, Schmidt B, McCollough CH. Image reconstruction and image quality evaluation for a dual source CT scanner. Med Phys. 2008 Dec;35(12):5882-97.
Rintojen annoksen pienentämisen vaihtoehtoja TT:ssä:
Vollmar SV, Kalender WA. Reduction of dose to the female breast in thoracic CT: a comparison of standard-protocol, bismuth-shielded, partial and tube-current-modulated CT examinations. Eur Radiol. 2008 Aug;18(8):1674-82.
mA-modulaation vaikutus annokseen ja kuvanlaatuun:
Rampado O, Marchisio F, Izzo A, Garelli E, Bianchi CC, Gandini G, Ropolo R. Effective dose and image quality evaluations of an automatic CT tube current modulation system with an anthropomorphic phantom. Eur J Radiol. 2008 Aug 7.
Annosoptimoinnin tekniset työkalut:
Kalender WA, Buchenau S, Deak P, Kellermeier M, Langner O, van Straten M, Vollmar S, Wilharm S. Technical approaches to the optimisation of CT. Phys Med. 2008 Jun;24(2):71-9.
TT-dosimetrian menetelmät ja CTDI:
Bauhs JA, Vrieze TJ, Primak AN, Bruesewitz MR, McCollough CH. CT dosimetry: comparison of measurement techniques and devices. Radiographics. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1):245-53. Review.
Hammas-TT annosten vertailua:
Lofthag-Hansen S, Thilander-Klang A, Ekestubbe A, Helmrot E, Gröndahl K. Calculating effective dose on a cone beam computed tomography device: 3D Accuitomo and 3D Accuitomo FPD. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008 Feb;37(2):72-9.
Hammas-TT kuvauksen tarkkuus:
Suomalainen A, Vehmas T, Kortesniemi M, Robinson S, Peltola J. Accuracy of linear measurements using dental cone beam and conventional multislice computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008 Jan;37(1):10-7.
Pään ja vartalon paikallisten annosten vertailua sekä fantomikäytännön kritiikkiä:
Huda W, Ogden KM. Comparison of head and body organ doses in CT. Phys Med Biol. 2008 Jan 21;53(2):N9-N14.
Rintojen vismuttisuojia kannattaa käyttää mA-modulaation yhteydessä:
Coursey C, Frush DP, Yoshizumi T, Toncheva G, Nguyen G, Greenberg SB. Pediatric chest MDCT using tube current modulation: effect on radiation dose with breast shielding. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Jan;190(1):W54-61.
TT-optimoinnin yleiskuvaus:
Catalano C, Francone M, Ascarelli A, Mangia M, Iacucci I, Passariello R. Optimizing radiation dose and image quality. Eur Radiol. 2007 Dec;17 Suppl 6:F26-32. Review.
Pulmonaarisuonten kuvauksen annossäästöä jännitettä alentamalla:
Heyer CM, Mohr PS, Lemburg SP, Peters SA, Nicolas V. Image quality and radiation exposure at pulmonary CT angiography with 100- or 120-kVp protocol: prospective randomized study.Radiology. 2007 Nov;245(2):577-83.
Johdatus sydämen TT-tutkimusten fysiikkaan:
Mahesh M, Cody DD. Physics of cardiac imaging with multiple-row detector CT. Radiographics. 2007 Sep-Oct;27(5):1495-509. Review.
Sydän-TT:n annosoptimoinnista:
Paul JF, Abada HT. Strategies for reduction of radiation dose in cardiac multislice CT. Eur Radiol. 2007 Aug;17(8):2028-37. Review.
Elin- ja efektiiviset annokset helikaalikuvauksessa:
Lee C, Lee C, Staton RJ, Hintenlang DE, Arreola MM, Williams JL, Bolch WE. Organ and effective doses in pediatric patients undergoing helical multislice computed tomography examination. Med Phys. 2007 May;34(5):1858-73.
Helikaalikuvauksen yliskannaus lapsilla:
Tzedakis A, Damilakis J, Perisinakis K, Karantanas A, Karabekios S, Gourtsoyiannis N. Influence of z overscanning on normalized effective doses calculated for pediatric patients undergoing multidetector CT examinations. Med Phys. 2007 Apr;34(4):1163-75.
Aivojen TT-angiografian annosten alentaminen jännitettä laskemalla:
Waaijer A, Prokop M, Velthuis BK, Bakker CJ, de Kort GA, van Leeuwen MS. Circle of Willis at CT angiography: dose reduction and image quality–reducing tube voltage and increasing tube current settings. Radiology. 2007 Mar;242(3):832-9.
Hammas-TT:n käyttö välikorvan kuvantamisessa:
Peltonen LI, Aarnisalo AA, Kortesniemi MK, Suomalainen A, Jero J, Robinson S. Limited cone-beam computed tomography imaging of the middle ear: a comparison with multislice helical computed tomography. Acta Radiol. 2007 Mar;48(2):207-12.
TT-annoksen hallinnasta:
Valentin J; International Commission on Radiation Protection. Managing patient dose in multi-detector computed tomography(MDCT). ICRP Publication 102. Ann ICRP. 2007;37(1):1-79, iii.
C-kaarilaitteen TT-annoksia:
Fahrig R, Dixon R, Payne T, Morin RL, Ganguly A, Strobel N. Dose and image quality for a cone-beam C-arm CT system. Med Phys. 2006 Dec;33(12):4541-50.
Traumatutkimusten annokset:
Kortesniemi M, Kiljunen T, Kangasmäki A. Radiation exposure in body computed tomography examinations of trauma patients. Phys Med Biol. 2006 Jun 21;51(12):3269-82.
Annosoptimoinnin yleiskirjoitus:
McCollough CH, Bruesewitz MR, Kofler JM Jr. CT dose reduction and dose management tools: overview of available options. Radiographics. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2):503-12. Review.
Annoksen pienentämisestä hammas-TT:ssä:
Tsiklakis K, Donta C, Gavala S, Karayianni K, Kamenopoulou V, Hourdakis CJ. Dose reduction in maxillofacial imaging using low dose Cone Beam CT. Eur J Radiol. 2005 Dec;56(3):413-7.
Hammas-TT (mikro-TT) yleiskatsaus:
Robinson S, Suomalainen A, Kortesniemi M. Micro-CT. Eur J Radiol. 2005 Nov;56(2):185-91. Review.
TT:n ja erityisesti sydämen TT-kuvausten annoksia ja annosyksiköitä valaiseva julkaisu:
Gerber TC, Kuzo RS, Morin RL. Techniques and parameters for estimating radiation exposure and dose in cardiac computed tomography. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2005 Feb;21(1):165-76. Review.
TT-PET annoksista:
Brix G, Beyer T. PET/CT: dose-escalated image fusion? Nuklearmedizin. 2005;44 Suppl 1:S51-7. Review.
Helikaalikuvauksen yliskannauksen annoksista:
Tzedakis A, Damilakis J, Perisinakis K, Stratakis J, Gourtsoyiannis N. The effect of z overscanning on patient effective dose from multidetector helical computed tomography examinations. Med Phys. 2005 Jun;32(6):1621-9.
Low-dose hammaskuvaus TT:llä:
Rustemeyer P, Streubühr U, Suttmoeller J. Low-dose dental computed tomography: significant dose reduction without loss of image quality. Acta Radiol. 2004 Dec;45(8):847-53.
Brix G, Lechel U, Veit R, Truckenbrodt R, Stamm G, Coppenrath EM, Griebel J, Nagel HD. Assessment of a theoretical formalism for dose estimation in CT: an anthropomorphic phantom study. Eur Radiol. 2004 Jul;14(7):1275-84.
TT-annosten eurooppalaiset kokoomatulokset:
Brix G, Nagel HD, Stamm G, Veit R, Lechel U, Griebel J, Galanski M. Radiation exposure in multi-slice versus single-slice spiral CT: results of a nationwide survey. Eur Radiol. 2003 Aug;13(8):1979-91.
Lasten TT:n annosoptimointi:
Boone JM, Geraghty EM, Seibert JA, Wootton-Gorges SL. Dose reduction in pediatric CT: a rational approach. Radiology. 2003 Aug;228(2):352-60.
Potilaiden ja henkilökunnan annoksia TT-fluoroskopiassa:
Buls N, Pagés J, de Mey J, Osteaux M. Evaluation of patient and staff doses during various CT fluoroscopy guided interventions. Health Phys. 2003 Aug;85(2):165-73.
TT-dosimetrian uudistustarve:
Dixon RL. A new look at CT dose measurement: beyond CTDI. Med Phys. 2003 Jun;30(6):1272-80.
Fantomikoon ja muiden parametrien vaikutus TT-annokseen:
Nickoloff EL, Dutta AK, Lu ZF. Influence of phantom diameter, kVp and scan mode upon computed tomography dose index. Med Phys. 2003 Mar;30(3):395-402.
Annokset hammas-TT tekniikoissa:
Cohnen M, Kemper J, Möbes O, Pawelzik J, Mödder U. Radiation dose in dental radiology. Eur Radiol. 2002 Mar;12(3):634-7.
Pediatric Radiology lehden erikoisnumero säteilyannoksista
TT:n aiheuttama syöpäriski lapsilla:
Brenner D, Elliston C, Hall E, Berdon W. Estimated risks of radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediatric CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001 Feb;176(2):289-96.